The Kent School District will be holding six public meetings to discuss the upcoming Levy:
Join Us for a Levy and Budget Community Conversation
Families, staff and community are invited to come together to learn more about district finances and have conversation about Kent School District’s future at an upcoming Levy and Budget Community Conversation.
Information about the February 13 district levies and the budget will be provided, with an opportunity to engage with district administration and ask questions.
Six conversation events will be held at middle schools across the District:
- Thursday, January 25
Meridian Middle School Library
23480 120th Avenue SE, Kent
6:30-7:30 p.m. - Friday, January 26
Mattson Middle School Library
16400 SE 251st Street, Covington
6:30-7:30 p.m. - Monday, January 29
Northwood Middle School Library
17007 SE 184th Street, Renton
6:30-7:30 p.m. - Wednesday, January 31
Meeker Middle School Library
12600 SE 251st Street, Renton
7:00-8:00 p.m. - Thursday, February 1
Cedar Heights Middle School Library
19640 SE 272nd Street, Covington
6:30-7:30 p.m. - Friday, February 2
Mill Creek Middle School Project Room
620 Central Avenue N
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Levy Information
Moving Forward Together. Remember to vote! Special Election February 13, 2018. Two levy measures requiring voter approval will be on the February 13, 2018, special election ballot. If Propositions 1 and 2 are approved, local school tax rates will decrease over the next six years. These levies provide nearly twenty percent of the District’s total budget and the tools necessary for our students to be successful.
Proposition 1 is a two-year Replacement Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) Levy that funds educational programs, teachers and staffing, and day-to-day operations. This levy pays for approximately one in five of all employees and bridges the gap between state funding and community expectations. This levy replaces the 2014 levy which expires in 2018 and reduces our local school tax rate.
Proposition 2 is a six-year levy funding both technology and critical repair projects. We are investing in our community’s assets – our schools. The Technology and Capital Levy continues the District’s commitment to 21st century learning through 1:1 computing for all K-12 students, expanding technology resources for student online safety and security, and providing support and upgrades to technology in all classrooms. It funds 307 critical repair projects necessary to maintain instructional environments supporting student success and reduces operating costs by replacing aging roofs and providing conservation improvements. This levy replaces the 2014 Technology Levy which expires in 2018.
Additional information about the February 13 special election can be found at