REMINDER: All are invited to join in Kent’s TeamUp2CleanUp this Saturday morning, May 4:

This will be the spring TeamUp2CleanUp event, and all are welcome to team up to pick up litter on our roads, parks, trails and neighborhoods.

Supplies are provided – gloves, trash bags, safety vests, dumpsters (donated by Republic Services) and litter grabbers – all you do is supply the labor.

You can participate in one of three ways:

  1. Pick up litter downtown
  2. Pick up litter on the East Hill
  3. Choose your own location to clean up (maybe your street, the parking lot at work or a neighborhood park)

So that we can plan, please register online.

If you can join, here is what you need to know:

Downtown Location:
Kherson Park, 307 W. Gowe St.
8 a.m. to Noon
Hosted by Kent Downtown Partnership

East Hill Location:
Golden Steer Restaurant, 23826 104th Ave. SE
9 a.m. to Noon

Your Own Location: If you want to clean a different area, you can pick up supplies at either the East Hill or downtown location.

“So far, we have more than 200 volunteers signed up, and the weather forecast looks great,” said Tony Donati, conservation coordinator. “This is a perfect opportunity to make a difference in the community with just a few hours of your time.”

Sign up online here, or contact Tony with questions at 253-856-5589 or

Scott Schaefer

Founder/Publisher/Editor. Three-time National Emmy Award winning Writer (“Bill Nye the Science Guy”), Director, Producer, Journalist and more...