“The best time to buy & sell is when it is right for you.”
– timeless advice and Market forecast from Team Marti
Leading local Realtor Marti Reeder has seen all sorts of markets in her over 18 years as a credentialed professional of the National Association of Realtors (NAR).
In addition, She has more than 40 years of industry experience, including mortgage, property management & more. So when we asked her to share her thoughts on this current real estate market in South King County, we knew she would have keen insights to share. At a time when experience and a long track record of industry success could not be more valuable, Marti shared her signature common sense and caring attitude in the following words of wisdom along with a fascinating 2023 King County market forecast prepared by John L Scott. We are pleased to share these insights with you here:
“Whether we call it a contraction, correction or adjustment, you have to admit the real estate market could not have continued the way it did during the ‘panic buying’ of 2020 & 2021. Some say we’re entering the 2nd year in a new 10-year real estate cycle. I say, between inflation and the pandemic-buying, a correction to a pre-covid market was in order for the reasonable buying & selling of real estate.
“If you’re looking to sell this year, you’re probably also looking at buying. Be glad you won’t have to compete at the high level buyers had to over the covid years! Be glad for both buyers & sellers that this major financial decision doesn’t have to be made within in hours – or even minutes! Be glad prices aren’t continuing to go up at the crazy, unsustainable pace they were rising at!
“To all: the best time to buy & sell is when it’s right for you. There are ups & downs to all markets. And we can help answer your questions and concerns. With Merle Reeder on board full time, you get “two for the price of one!” My team and I care about you and your real estate decisions.”
If you are considering buying or selling real estate, you owe it to yourself to check out your local real estate leaders such as Marti & Merle Reeder and their Team Marti professionals.
For more information about Reeder, visit TeamMarti.com or call 253-859-8500 (office) or 206-391-0388 (cell). You can also read testimonials on Realtor.com and Zillow.
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