I woke up again this morning not really feeling it. I didn’t feel like doing the day. I didn’t want to go to work and do stuff and see people. But, I did those things and it worked out ok. At around the half-way mark, things turned around and all was fine. It usually works like this. Nothing lasts, even crappy moods, and this is good.
Arriving home I put on some shorts and flip flops and went to work on a chore I’ve been a little excited about, maybe too excited. I purchased a “drill brush” and wanted to try it on my shower pan. This stubborn little devil is a pain to get all the way clean and I was hoping my new contraption would be my savior. As it turned out, it wasn’t. It helped, but didn’t save anything. I still had to do some mighty scrubbing. I do, however, see some other applications for this device that might make some other things easier. So, all is not lost, and it never is.
After my shower project, I cleaned the windows on my jeep. They’re been dirty and bugging me for a while. But, I forget about them until they bug me again. This is not an uncommon pattern for me. I tend to think about things and then forget them until I am sufficiently bugged. Today was that day, I guess. And, this always comes, too. Sooner or, usually, later.
With my clean windows, I took a short drive to my town for some coffee creamer and some meat from my favorite butcher shop. I saw some friends in the market and just missed one in the meat shop. I also waved to several other jeep folks. This is a club that I didn’t know existed, but it does. And, I like it.
I’ve had my jeep for a few months and, in pretty short order, noticed the waves coming from the fellow jeep folks. Being new to this club, I was a little reticent and felt a little fraudulent. But, I waved back. And, now I’m pretty full-fledged. And, it’s a nice club.
Thinking about this thing that I didn’t know existed before my initiation, I wonder about how many other neat, human things happen outside of my frame of vision. I suspect a lot. And, I like this. I like the things I know and the things I don’t, but can imagine being kind and fun and light, but mean something. I like knowing that wonderful things exist in their invisible orbits, circling the globe and touch my town and sometimes me with the gravity of their sweetness.
With my iced coffee and bare feet, I sit beneath my ceiling fan feeling fine. I consider a text I got earlier from a friend who thought I’d like it regarding the idea of “destination addiction”, which, in short, is our fascination with every place besides where we are, be it a place or a future. We distract ourselves from the ground under our feet and the magical things within arm’s reach. And, we miss it or we waste it. The place or the future rarely looks or feels like the picture, and we know it and we regret it. We regret it, because we had it. It was right there, and it’s right here. Right now. And, in my day of little nothings that were much, I can affirm that these are worth seeing, wholly and truly, for they are the stars riding the invisible orbit of lovely things looking for a place to land or maybe the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And, we’re already there.
Photo credit: Robin Malmanger

Dave Markwell is a life-long Des Moines liver and lover. Former owner of Waterland CrossFit and the Waterland Arcade, Dave uses his unique story-telling voice to help small businesses tell a better story, and his love for people to help folks live bigger and better lives.
For more info, check out his website: wordsbydave.net.