Come join the next free walk in Kent, between 9:30 – 11 a.m. this Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020 at Hogan Park.
Meet up at Hogan Park on Russell Rd. 24400 Russell Rd. Kent, WA 98032 (MAP:
This is one in a series of free Feet First self-guided walks this summer on alternate Wednesday mornings of up to 3 miles round trip featuring different locations in and close to Kent. This time our trail follows the Green River Trail south. This attractive section of trail runs alongside the Riverbend Golf Course then past the new Ethos Apartments (still under construction). Our 1.5 mile turnround point will be opposite the golf driving range that’s currently being refurbished.
Look out for our “KENT WALK HERE” event sign board by the second park entrance off Russell Rd. We will have a blue canopy to sign up in on the grass close to the park restrooms.
There is no need to pre-register. You will sign-in at the start of your walk at a table set up by the park shelter near the main parking lot. There will be directions where to go. You can walk at your own speed following the trail markers. Start any time between 9 am and 10:30 am (finish by 11 am).
Bring family and friends up to a limit of 6 total. Dogs on a leash can come too. All participants will need to bring a face covering and be prepared to maintain the 6 feet minimum social distancing COVID-19 requirements.
Also, we have added two October walks:
Oct. 21: Green River Trail south from the Three Friends Fishing Hole, 20025 Russell Rd. (off S. 200th St.) Kent
For the latest details on these and other Feet First walks, please visit: