Sing loud, Kent! In a discordant time, let’s safely join together to create some harmony – join the ‘Seattle Window Sing-Along‘ TONIGHT, SATURDAY, MAR. 28, 2020 – at 7 p.m. sharp!
Sing from your windows or porch to show your appreciation for frontline workers, or to express another desire, or to just defeat COVID-19 and get our lives back to normal.
SONG: “Don’t Stop” by Fleetwood Mac.
STEP 1: Prepare to sing along to the music using one of the following (don’t forget about YouTube ads at the beginning!).
Full song *with lyrics* on YouTube:
Vocal-free karaoke version *with lyrics* on YouTube:
Full song on Spotify:
Lyrics –>
STEP 2: Throw open your windows! When the clock strikes 7 p.m. on Saturday, Mar. 28, 2020 hit “play” and sing along!
STEP 3: Share photos and videos using the hashtag #SeattleSingAlong