At last week’s Kent Chamber of Commerce membership luncheon, Kent Police Chief Rafael Padilla, along with Councilmember Toni Troutner and King County Councilmember Dave Upthegrove discussed business safety issues.
Chief Padilla focused on recent changes to state law that went into effect July 25, which affects how police can arrest and apprehend suspects.
Padilla took questions from local business owners and workers concerned about what many consider to be a recent increase in crime in the city and region affecting their businesses.
“Two (bills) are paramount I think for the discussion – House Bill 1054, which has been dubbed the ‘tactics bill,’ and then House Bill 1310, which has been dubbed the ‘use of force’ bill,” Padilla said. “Law enforcement has been very strong supporters of reform. I know it’s not portrayed that way, but in the conversations and where the work’s being done, we strongly support positive reform. Right at the same time, there are practical implications to what’s been done and a lot of it is going to come out…”
The Kent Chamber recommends that anyone interested in helping to get state laws changed volunteer on its Government Affairs Committee (more info here).
“The Government Affairs committee develops the Chamber’s legislative agenda for issues addressed at the State legislature. The committee is comprised of small business, corporate members and municipal leaders from Kent and around the region. The committee evaluates local, regional and state issues that affect the business climate and quality of life (including initiatives and referendum). After extensive evaluation on issues the committee makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the Chamber’s position on issues.
“The Government Affairs Committee is responsible for candidate debates such our Primary Debate, Election Forum for Federal, State & Local Elections.”
Watch the full, edited video below (running time 1-hour, 18 minutes):