Dear Neighbor,

Thank you for your continued efforts to keep our South King County community safe and healthy during this pandemic.

We are all waiting for more vaccines to come into the state from the federal government. I share your frustration that there are not enough vaccines at this time for everyone who is eligible and wants one.

Our hospitals, pharmacies, and the Seattle-King County Public Health Department all have the infrastructure in place and are ready to roll, but appointments are extremely limited due to lack of vaccine supply.

But though we wait, we do not sit idle.

King County has stood up two community vaccination sites in Kent and Auburn and stands ready to open eight more once the vaccine supply increases.

We have mobile strike teams already active in South King County visiting our adult family homes and will expand their role to include senior housing when we receive more vaccines.

We are working with our community-based organizations to make sure the vulnerable seniors they serve – including those for whom English is not their first language – don’t face additional barriers accessing appointments.

King County is committed to continuing to help the most vulnerable with food and rental assistance while looking ahead to an economic recovery that creates a more equitable society for all.

For assistance and info on getting vaccinated, visit https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/health/covid-19/vaccine/distribution.aspx or call the WA COVID Hotline at 1-800-525-0127, then press #.

Seniors can also call Community Living Connections toll-free at 1-844-348-5464 for assistance navigating websites that determine eligibility and to schedule appointments for vaccinations.

Giving Our Kids the Best Start

Although all of us have been touched by the pandemic in some way, our children have had to face a new world without many of the supports they normally rely on to thrive.

That’s just one of the reasons I’m excited about the plan to renew – and expand – the Best Start for Kids levy to fund vital programs for local children and families.

If passed by the voters in August, the new levy will continue to fund current programs such as early childhood education, youth mentoring, parenting support, and after-school programs.

The pandemic has highlighted the importance of childcare as a job and economic issue.  That’s why I am supporting expanding the levy to include childcare subsidies for struggling families so people can get back to work.

It will also provide additional support for programs that help youth finish high school and train for jobs so that – despite the economic downturn we now face – they are prepared to join the workforce.

Acting on these crises now will be pivotal to us recovering our economy and creating a better future for our children.

While my staff and I are all working remotely, we are still available to serve you during the pandemic. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance.



King County Councilmember
District 5

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Scott Schaefer

Founder/Publisher/Editor. Three-time National Emmy Award winning Writer (“Bill Nye the Science Guy”), Director, Producer, Journalist and more...