Neighborhood Block Watch 101 is great for neighborhoods interested in starting a new block watch or reviving an old one, and will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 27.
Kent Police will talk about how and why to set one up, as well as cover current crime trends and prevention.
The event will run from 6:30 – 8 p.m. in the Kent Council Chambers.
- City of Kent Police teaching you how to prevent crime
- Mapping your neighborhood
- Listing names and phone numbers for each neighbor in case of emergency
- Forming a phone tree to reach each other quickly
- Operation ID – engraving items with identi cation in case they are stolen
- Obtaining Block Watch signs for your neighborhood streets and homes
- Receiving weekly crime statistics reports with crime tips attached
- Neighbors meeting together and getting to know each other.
- Not only for neighborhoods, but works for apartments, town homes and condominiums. Block Watches may be set up by building to get to know those above, below and next to you.
For more info, download a PDF here.