The Metropolitan King County Council will hold a hearing at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024 at the King County Courthouse to gather public comment on a proposed ordinance that would authorize the condemnation of property rights, specifically focusing on a 114-square-foot permanent property acquisition on tax parcel number 322305-9135 for a station for the RapidRide I Line, as well as a 1,397-square-foot temporary construction easement on the same parcel that would expire on Dec. 31, 2026.
Remote public comment can also be provided on Zoom.
Written public testimony will be accepted from 9 a.m. on September 17, 2024,through 10 a.m. on October 1, 2024, by sending public comment to Include the topic and related agenda item (if relevant) in the subject line. More Information on the public hearing and how to participate in public testimony can be found at this website:
The RapidRide I Line is planned to be a 17-mile north-south bus rapid transit line with 82 station locations connecting the cities of Renton, Kent, and Auburn, largely along the path of Route 160. The King County Council approved a Locally Preferred Alternative that established the I Line’s alignment and station locations in 2020 via Ordinance 19098. The I Line has received funding awards from the state and federal governments. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2025, with service planned to begin in late 2026.
A copy of Proposed Ordinance 2024-0226 is available here. You may also view this notice at the Clerk’s page at
Directions on how to attend and participate in the public hearing will be included in the Council agenda for the October 1, 2024, meeting, which will be posted on the Council’s webpage at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting.
A public hearing on the proposal to authorize condemnation of real property for a RapidRide I Line station will be held before the full Council at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at the King County Courthouse, 516 Third Avenue, Room 1001 (10th floor).