EDITOR’S NOTE: ‘Just Jeff’ – aka Jeff Heiss – is our newest columnist:
I’ve let days go by: days I should have been more productive
But I’m a thinker
And I think
Somewhere along the way, probably early in life, I was told I was to be different than who I am
Don’t be myself
Be like others
And I listened
I let myself go in search of the person I was supposed to be
And I grew weary
It’s hard being someone else; someone other than me – the someone I was “apparently” supposed to be
Maybe the me I’m supposed to be is me
Maybe she was wrong
And it’s okay to be an imperfect self
And to gaze out a window as my mind wanders and wonders
And maybe life isn’t about being productive or being the someone else I was told I was supposed to be
But to simply be me
For more Just Jeff, please visit and “Like” him here: