‘Farmer’s Market’ Exhibit Open Now Through July 31
The Kent Arts Commission is seeking entries for an online exhibit via Kent Creates, a web platform for sharing art, culture, and creative endeavors.
The most recent exhibit for Kent Creates is open May 1 through July 31 and focuses on the theme of “Farmers Markets.” The call for entries reads:
The Kent Arts Commission encourages artists and creative minds to look to farmers markets for inspiration – bountiful fresh produce; local foods and crafts; gorgeous bouquets of flowers; mingling with friends and neighbors. The “Farmers Market” exhibit is open to any creative endeavor – photographs, paintings, poems, recipes, short films, songs, or stories – anything you can dream up!
Work may be submitted through July 31, at which time the exhibit will close. The Kent Arts Commission will select the top five pieces, which will receive $100 honorariums and featured status on the site.
Kent Creates encourages Kent residents to be creative; it is a web platform for artists, musicians, writers, crafters, illustrators, dancers, filmmakers, hobbyists, and other creatives to share their work and meet people with similar interests. Creative work of all kinds may be shared on KentCreates.com. Kent Creates is free to use and anyone can sign up; there is no requirement to live in Kent.