Walk to Wellness Trail Walks Hosted by Kent4Health
Walk your way to wellness this summer with twice-weekly trail walks hosted by Kent4Health from June 1 through September 28:
Tuesdays, 6 to 7:30 PM
Wednesdays, 9 to 11 AM
- Up to 3-miles round-trip
- Self-guided walks
- Volunteers on site during walk hours
- Trails are marked as paved or compact
- Rain or shine
Click here to download a schedule with dates and locations.
In addition to the Tuesday and Wednesday walks, there is a bonus walk, a 2.5 mile guided walk at Lake Fenwick Park (25828 Lake Fenwick Rd. S.) on Sunday, July 24 at 11 AM. Walk includes a staircase up and down of about 180 steps. Contact Chris for details.
Questions? Call Pam Clark at 253-856-4968 during normal business hours or leave a message after 5 PM.