As construction crews continue work on the SR 509 Completion Project, crews will close lanes of northbound I-5 and SR 516 nightly beginning Monday, May 13, 2024.The lane closures on I-5 will allow crews to safely remove dirt recently excavated for the new Veterans Drive tunnel, while the lane closure on SR 516 will allow crews to set a new signal pole for the intersection of SR 516 and the southbound I-5 on- and off-ramps.

Lane closure information 

Monday, May 13 through the morning of Tuesday, May 14, 2024:

  • 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. – The right lane of westbound SR 516 will close near the Kent/Des Moines Road and SR 516 interchange.

Monday, May 13 through the morning of Friday, May 17, 2024:

  • 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. – Up to two right lanes of northbound I-5 will close nightly between South 200th Street/Military Road South (Exit 151) and South 272nd Street (Exit 147).

Ramp closure information

Tuesday, May 14 through the morning of Friday, May 17, 2024:

  • 11:59 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. – The westbound SR 516 to northbound I-5 on-ramp will close nightly. 

This work is weather-dependent and may be rescheduled in the event of rain.

SR 509 Completion Project information 

The SR 509 Completion Project builds 3 miles of new tolled highway between I-5 and South 188th Street near the south end of Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The new highway will be completed in stages. The portion currently under construction between I-5 and 24th Avenue is scheduled to open in 2025. The final stage will build the remaining 2 miles of the expressway between 24th Avenue South and South 188th Street. The entire project is planned for completion by 2028.

Puget Sound Gateway Program overview 

The SR 509 Completion Project is part of WSDOT’s Puget Sound Gateway Program, which also includes the SR 167 Completion Project in Pierce County. Combined, the two completion projects finish critical missing links in Washington’s highway and freight network.

Know before you go 

Before heading out the door, travelers can find the latest information on the WSDOT app, the real-time travel map, or by subscribing to WSDOT’s email and text alerts.

Scott Schaefer

Founder/Publisher/Editor. Three-time National Emmy Award winning Writer (“Bill Nye the Science Guy”), Director, Producer, Journalist and more...