As a provider of an essential service, Puget Sound Energy continues to provide relief for its customers and communities impacted by the COVID pandemic.
Since April, PSE’s Crisis Affected Customer Assistance Program (CACAP) has been able to assist more than 10,000 customers with the distribution of $6 million in energy bill credits.
CACAP provides bill payment assistance to customers who after March 1, 2020 have lost their job, had their hours decreased, or are unable to work due to COVID. Customers may receive up to $1,000 credit on their energy bill. PSE will continue to accept new applications until Sept. 1 for the remaining $5 million available of the $11 million fund.
In addition to CACAP, the PSE HELP program also provides bill assistance to income-eligible customers. There is over $8.7 million still available. Customers can qualify for both CACAP and PSE HELP if they meet the requirements.
“This has been a challenging time for our customers and our communities, and we are looking at all the ways we can help,” said PSE Vice President of Customer Operations and Communications Andy Wappler. “Our hope is that through these programs, our customers will find financial relief without worrying about their electricity, heat or hot water.”
Outside of funding programs, we are working with customers on changing their bill due date, setting up payment plans, waiving late fees, and we are not disconnecting due to non-payment at this time.
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