Schools in South King County – including campuses in the Kent, Tukwila, and Highline school districts – were placed under increased security measures Friday morning, Sept. 20, 2024, following an online threat targeting more than 20 schools in the region.
The threat, which officials said is part of a larger, nationwide pattern, has prompted both local police and the FBI to launch an investigation.
Among the schools named in the anonymous social media posts were Kent-Meridian High School, along with Springbrook Elementary School in the Kent School District. While police in Kent have investigated the threat and determined it is not credible, schools in the area are maintaining heightened security and modified lockdowns, with increased patrols by local law enforcement officers throughout the day.
“Kent Police have advised there is not a credible threat, and normal school activities should continue,” a spokesperson for the Kent School District said. “However, we may see an increased police presence at our schools today as a precautionary measure.”
Tukwila Police shared a similar message, stationing a School Resource Officer at Showalter Middle School and deploying additional officers to patrol Foster High School and several elementary schools in the district.
“We take all threats to our schools and the children of our community seriously regardless of whether or not the threat appears credible,” the Tukwila Police Department stated.
Highline Public Schools also enacted a modified lockdown at eight of its campuses, including Highline High School, Glacier Middle School and Tyee High School. During the lockdown, students were allowed to move freely inside school buildings, but all exterior doors were locked, and only known staff members were permitted to enter. Windows and blinds were also closed as a precaution.
While law enforcement agencies continue to monitor the situation, officials are urging parents and students to remain vigilant.
“We appreciate the quick response by our community to notify us about this issue,” the Kent School District added. “Please communicate with your children the importance of reporting anything concerning to an adult.”
Both police and school officials reiterated that the safety of students is a top priority, regardless of the perceived credibility of a threat. They encouraged anyone with additional information to contact law enforcement.