Join Kent residents, neighborhoods, civic groups, schools, youth organizations, businesses and families to clean up Kent, Washington on Saturday, May 14 at the third annual Team Up 2 Clean Up event. From 8 a.m. to noon, locals will work together to clean up three sections: East Hill, West Hill and downtown Kent.
The city will provide free gloves and trash bags as well as directions to “hot spots” that need your help! Register by May 11; click here to register now.
Pick up your supplies and directions at one of these three locations:
- West Hill: Trinity Community Church parking lot, 3807 Reith Rd., Kent
- Downtown: Kherson Park, 307 W. Gowe St., Kent
- East Hill: Golden Steer Steak & Rib House parking lot, 23826 104th Ave. SE, Kent
There area always fun, community-minded things to do in Kent. Check our calendar for similar events.
Sponsored by City of Kent, Kent Chamber of Commerce, Kent Downtown Partnership, Kent Station, Republic Services, Kent Lions Club and Down Home Catering.