The annual fundraiser dinner/auction for KentHOPE will be held on Saturday, Nov. 3 at the Renton Pavilion Event Center.

This fun, festive fundraiser will include a local celebrity dance competition, featuring famous Kentites (Kentians?) Andrea Keikalla, Jim Berrios, Toni Troutner and Satwinder Kaur!

“Join us for a festive dinner and evening of entertainment Saturday Nov. 3,” which will include:

  • local celebrity dance competition!
  • fabulous auction items
  • dessert dash
  • photo runway
  • Market Place to purchase much-needed items for the Day Center
  • raise the paddle to donate at the level you choose
  • raise the paddle to honor a special volunteer, Gloria Peterson

By advance registration only – register now here:

Celebrity Dancers – matched with Allegro Performing Arts Academy students – will be:

  • Andrea Keikalla–Chief Executive Officer of the Kent Chamber of Commerce since 2008, member Rotary Club of Kent.
  • Jim Berrios–past Kent City Councilman, owner of Golden Steer Restaurant in Kent, member Kiwanis Club.
  • Toni Troutner–Kent City Councilwoman elected last year; leads Kent Severe Weather Shelter at Kent Lutheran Church.
  • Satwinder Kaur–Kent City Councilwoman elected last year, committed community volunteer.

Whether you attend or not, you may vote for your favorite dancer in advance by your donation of any amount. To pledge online, click on link below, and type one of the above names in the box labeled “Dancer Name”.

This memorable evening will include a local celebrity dance competition with partners from Allegro Performing Arts Academy. We’ll have the opportunity to bid on fabulous auction items, as well as purchase items that will benefit the Day Center. Bring a friend and have fun while doing good in our community! All proceeds will go towards daily operation of the Day Center and overnight emergency shelter, which costs about $1000/day to serve an average of 30 women and 2 children.

Host a table of 8 for $400 OR single seats for $75 each:

If you would prefer to send a check, make check payable to KentHOPE with “Gala” on memo line and mail to Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission at 3800 S. Othello Street, Seattle, WA 98118, Attn: KentHOPE. Please put “Gala” on the memo line, and be sure to send us your email address and phone number so we can contact you with last minute details.

Doors open at 5 p.m. for MarketPlace – an opportunity to purchase much-needed items for the Day Center. Then check out the photo runway, cash bar, fabulous desserts and register for your bid number. Dinner begins at 6:00 pm followed by a celebrity dance competition, live auction, KentHOPE video about changed lives, raise the paddle to donate at the level you choose, honor a volunteer and dessert dash.

You may vote for your favorite dancer in advance by your donation of any amount. To pledge online, click HERE and type one of the above names in the box labeled “DancerName”.  OR you may mail a check with the dancer’s name in the memo line to:

Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission
3800 S. Othello Street
Seattle WA 98118
Attn: KentHOPE

If your business would like to help sponsor this event, see Sponsor Benefits HERE and contact Gloria,

The Renton Pavilion Event Center is located at 233 Burnett Ave S, Renton, WA 98057:

Scott Schaefer

Founder/Publisher/Editor. Three-time National Emmy Award winning Writer (“Bill Nye the Science Guy”), Director, Producer, Journalist and more...