The City of Kent is seeking public input on its Transportation Master Plan:
What is the Transportation Master Plan?
The Transportation Master Plan is a plan to better serve our community’s current and future transportation needs. It sets goals that guide how the City of Kent will invest in transportation projects for the next 20 years.
Specifically, the Transportation Master Plan will:
- Develop transportation networks for all users – drivers, transit riders, walkers and bicyclists.
- Predict how well the system will work in the future and suggest improvements.
- Establish new goals and policies to guide City decision-making.
- Develop a prioritized list of transportation projects to support bicyclists, pedestrians, transit riders and cars.
- Make recommendations about how to pay for improvements.
- Help the City use its transportation dollars wisely by weighing in on projects that matter most to you.
Provide input on the 37 projects identified in the first phase of this project by weighing in on the webmap here and completing the brief survey.
What is most important to you? Did we miss anything? Learn more about the projects and tell us what you think. Weigh in on individual projects through the online webmap and fill out our survey (scroll down past the webmap) by Sept. 14, 2020.