The first round of results are in for Tuesday’s (April 25, 2023) Special Election, and the Kent School District Bond is failing, while King County Proposition No. 1 (Crisis Care Centers Levy) is passing.
The $495 million school district bond requires a 60% majority to pass, and it’s currently failing with a 54.13% “No” vote.
If approved with a simple majority, the Crisis Care Centers Levy would fund behavioral health services and capital facilities, including a countywide crisis care centers network, increased residential treatment; mobile crisis care; post-discharge stabilization; and workforce supports.
Unofficial Election Results, updated 4/25/2023
Kent School District No. 415 Proposition No. 1
Ballots Counted: 18,203
* Registered Voters: 103,296 • 17.62 %
- Yes: 8,324 • 45.87 %
- No: 9,824 • 54.13 %
Ballots Counted: 294,714
* Registered Voters: 1,380,642 • 21.35%
King County Proposition No. 1 (Crisis Care Centers Levy)
- Approved: 160,205 • 54.43%
- Rejected: 134,129 • 45.57 %
The next round of results will be released by King County Elections on Wednesday, April 26 at 4:30 p.m.