The Kent Police Family is mourning the passing of former Chief of Police, Ed Crawford, who served from 1991-2006 after retiring from an exceptional career with the Washington State Patrol.
Here’s more from a social media post:
Chief Crawford pioneered efforts to modernize the Kent Police Department that included achieving National Accreditation, enhancing our Community Education Unit and having a regional presence in key areas such as Federal Task Forces, the Criminal Justice Training Commission, FBI National Academy and International Association of Chiefs of Police.
The legacy of his leadership lives on today in many of the outstanding community based programs and services the department currently provides.
It also lives on through the men and women who are better people and better leaders because of his teaching, coaching and mentoring.
In the history of our department, Chief Crawford stands as a giant amongst many great chiefs who served the Kent Community with duty, honor, pride and compassion.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Chief Crawford’s wife Dorlene Crawford and the Crawford Family.
Today the Kent Police Family mourns the passing of former Kent Chief of Police, Ed Crawford. He served as Kent’s Chief from 1991-2006, after retiring from an exceptional career with the Washington State Patrol. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Crawford Family.
— Kent Police (@kentpd) November 28, 2018