The annual GiveBIG campaign to assist non-profits continues through Wednesday May 6, 2020, and the Kent Youth Orchestra is hoping for help.
This M-Power Youth 501c(3) seeks your support to help disadvantaged youth find a positive path in their future through music.
“Our program is based on a program from Venezuela – EL SISTEMA – that has helped hundreds of thousands of youth from the less fortunate become skilled craftsmen; doctors; engineers and more,” said Jim Renton, President. “In this time of a health pandemic, the need to assist additional youth has become a major priority. Please pass this email on to your friends; church members, musicians and constituents who may wish to help. Let’s break the cycle for these individuals.”
To donate, click here:
“Should you wish to consider volunteering to assist the youth, please contact me,” Jim added.
His email is
More info at