SAVE THE DATE: All are invited to the annual Kennedy Catholic High School Arts and Crafts Fair from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021.

Please join your Kennedy Catholic High School neighbors as they present their annual Arts and Crafts Fair.

Enjoy holiday music, raffles and delicious lunch options.

Shop from nearly 70 high quality vendors and artists presenting unique and one-of-a-kind items, a legendary Bake Sale and more.

A community tradition for over 30 years, the Kennedy Arts & Crafts Fair is a must for holiday shopping.

This festive event is not to be missed!

Kennedy Catholic High School is located at 140 S. 140th Street:

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Scott Schaefer

Founder/Publisher/Editor. Three-time National Emmy Award winning Writer (“Bill Nye the Science Guy”), Director, Producer, Journalist and more...