Filing deadline was May 19.
Last Friday, May 19, 2017, was the filing deadline for candidates seeking office in the 2017 election cycle. Here is the list of candidates from Kent, Kent School District 415 and King County posted by King County Elections, as of yesterday. The list below does not include the special purpose districts or the Washington legislature. Those candidates can be viewed here. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order.
Races marked with an asterisk have more than two candidates, so they will appear on the primary ballot on August 1, 2017. In each primary race, the two candidates with the most votes will advance to the general election on November 7, 2017.
Note: iLoveKent is hosting candidate debates for the mayoral and Kent City Council candidates who win the primary. The mayoral debate will be Sept. 21. The Kent City Council debate will be Sept. 28. Both debates will be held at the Kent Senior Center (600 E. Smith St., Kent, WA) from 7 PM to 8:30 PM. They will be moderated by Greg Haffner of Curran Law Firm. Click here for more info. about the debates.
City of Kent
Kent Mayor*
Elizabeth Albertson
Jim Berrios
Dana L. Ralph
Andrew Swansen
Kent City Council, Position 2*
Paul Addis
Elizabeth T. Peang
Satwinder Kaur
Jeff Piecewicz
Kent City Council, Position 4*
Ronald D. Johnson
Toni M. Troutner
Tiambia S. Whitfield
Kent City Council, Position 6
Brenda Fincher
Russell L. Hanscom
Kent Municipal Court, Judge 1
Karli K. Jorgensen
Kent Municipal Court, Judge 2
Glenn M. Phillips
Kent School District 415, Director, District 4*
Agda Burchard
Bryon Madsen
Denise Daniels
Kent School District 415, Director, District 5
Maya Vengadasalam
King County
King County Executive*
Dow Constantine
Bill Hirt
Stan Lippmann
King County Sheriff
Mitzi Johanknecht
John Urquhart
Metropolitan King County, Council District No. 1
Rod Dembowski
Metropolitan King County, Council District No. 3
Kathy Lambert
John Murphy
Metropolitan King County, Council District No. 5
Dave Upthegrove
Metropolitan King County, Council District No. 7
Pete von Reichbauer
Metropolitan King County, Council District No. 9
Reagan Dunn
Denice Carnahan