Return your ballot via mail or drop box by August 1

King County Elections mailed out ballots on Wednesday, July 12 for the August 1, 2017 primary election. If being mailed, completed ballots must be postmarked by August 1 and they require a first-class postage stamp. Ballots being dropped off in a designated drop box must be dropped off by 8 PM on August 1.

City of Kent Candidates

In Kent, there are three offices which will appear on the primary ballot. An office appears on the primary ballot if more than two candidates have filed to run. Click here for more information about these candidates.

City of Kent Mayor

Dana Ralph
Jim Berrios
Elizabeth Albertson
Andrew Swansen

Kent City Council, position 2

Jeff Piecewicz
Satwinder Kaur
Paul Addis
Elizabeth T. Peang

Kent City Council, position 4

Ronald Johnson
Toni Troutner
Tye Whitfield

The top two vote-getters in each race will move onto the General Election in November 2017.

Kent and South King County ballot drop box locations include:

Kentridge High School, 12430 SE 208th St., Kent, WA
Regional Justice Center (near parking garage entrance), 401 4th Ave. N., Kent, WA
Covington Library, 27100 164th Ave. SE, Covington, WA
Highline College (entrance across from 27th Ave. S.), 2400 S. 240th St., Des Moines, WA
Federal Way City Hall, 33325 8th Ave. S., Federal Way, WA
Auburn Library, 1102 Auburn Way S., Auburn, WA
Hobart Food Market, 20250 276th Ave. SE, Maple Valley, WA
Tahoma School District Bldg., 25720 Maple Valley-Black Diamond Rd. SE, Maple Valley, WA
Fairwood Library, 17009 140th Ave. SE, Renton, WA
King County Elections, 919 SW Grady Way, Renton, WA
Renton Public Health Center, 3201 NE 7th St., Renton, WA
Valley View Library, 17850 Military Rd. S., SeaTac, WA
Tukwila Community Center, 12424 42nd Ave. S., Tukwila, WA

Election Calendar:

July 17: First day candidates may submit voters’ pamphlet statements for general election
July 19: Ballot return statistics available by 8 PM
July 24: In-person voter registration deadline for new voters
Aug. 1: Election Day, ballots due

Additional King County Election Resources:

Online Voter Guide
(you will be asked to input your name, and date of birth OR street address)

Track Your Ballot
(you will be asked to enter your name and date of birth)

Check Voter Registration Status
(you will be asked to enter your name and date of birth)

Election Results
(will be posted started August 1, 2017 at 8:15 PM

Learn More About Ballot Measures on August 1, 2017 Ballot

Candidates: Who’s Running for Office

Subscribe to election news and updates.

Have questions? Need help? Contact King County Elections at 206-296-VOTE (8683) or


Dana Neuts

I am a full-time freelance writer, editor, marketing pro and the publisher of

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