Free “Clubs” to be given away to owners of most commonly stolen vehicles.
The Kent Police Department is teaming up with the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority to provide information about how residents can reduce the likelihood of their car being broken into or stolen.
Kent Police will host a vehicle theft/car prowl awareness event at the Great Wall Shopping Mall (18230 E. Valley Hwy., Kent, WA) on Sat., March 25 from 11 AM to 2 PM. The event will be held just inside the main entrance doors of the mall.
As part of this event, free steering wheel locking devices, called The Club, will be given to owners of vehicles most commonly stolen Kent. Those vehicles include 1990 – 1999 Hondas, Nissans, Acuras, and Toyotas.
“As a result of our first event at Kent Station, we gave away all of the 100 Clubs purchased as part of the WATPA grant. We received a second grant and now have 200 Clubs to give away in our effort to reduce car prowls and thefts in Kent.” said Commander Jarod Kasner of the Kent Police Department. “It is our desire to educate and assist the community on ways to reduce their likelihood of being victims of theft.”
The Clubs were purchased through a grant from the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority and the Great Wall Shopping Mall has graciously offered space for a booth to be set up where the public can pick them up. Any person who brings in a registration for one of the older import cars listed above will be given a free Club. There is a limited supply of Clubs, and they will be distributed on a first come, first served basis.
Contact John Pagel at 253-856-5884 or email him at for additional information.