Prepare for 2017 with our handy year-long calendar
Kent, Washington is a busy place with hundreds of meetings, events and activities throughout the year. To help you plan your year, we’ve put together a 2017 calendar with the major holidays and local meetings and events. We’ll add to and edit it as new information becomes available. It currently does not include events like Adventure Runs, Farmer’s Markets and Free Summer Concerts, but we’ll add those as dates are posted. In the meantime, if you see any errors or have something to add, please email us. Thank you!
January 2017
Jan. 1: New Year’s Day
Jan. 3: Kent Schools – School Resumes
Jan. 3: Kent City Council meeting
Jan. 10: Covington Community Expo
Jan. 11: Kent Schools – Late Start
Jan. 16: Martin Luther King Day, No School
Jan. 16: King Showcase: High School Basketball Tournament
Jan. 17: Kent City Council meeting
Jan. 19: Kent School District Tech Expo
Jan. 19: KDP’s Third Thursday Art Night
Jan. 26: Les Schwab Kent Shootout Basketball Tournament
Jan. 27: You, Me, We
Jan. 27: Kent Spotlight Series: The Peking Acrobats
Jan. 31: Kent Schools – No School, Teacher Workshop
February 2017
Feb. 5: Superbowl Sunday
Feb. 7: Kent City Council meeting
Feb. 8: Kent Schools – Late Start
Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day
Feb. 16: KDP’s Third Thursday Art Night
Feb. 20-24: Kent Schools – No School – Presidents’ Break
Feb. 20: Presidents’ Day
Feb. 21: Kent City Council meeting
Feb. 21: Kent Spotlight Series: The Irish Rovers with We Banjo 3
Feb. 23: Be Artful
Feb. 25: Kent Spotlight Series: International Guitar Night
Feb. 28: Mardi Gras
March 2017
Mar. 1: Kent Schools – Late Start
Mar. 7: Kent City Council meeting
Mar. 10: Kent Schools – No School – Teacher Workshop
Mar. 10: Kent Spotlight Series: Seattle Rock Orchestra Performs Led Zeppelin I & II
Mar. 12: Daylight Savings Begins
Mar. 13-24: Kent Student Art Exhibit – Downtown Kent
Mar. 16: KDP’s Third Thursday Art Night
Mar. 17: St. Patrick’s Day
Mar. 17: Kent Spotlight Series: Kahulanui
Mar. 20: Spring Equinox – First Day of Spring
Mar. 21: Kent City Council meeting
Mar. 22: Kent Schools – Late Start
Mar. 25: Sunrise Rotary – All That Jazz
April 2017
Apr. 1: Kent Rotary Escapades Annual Dinner Auction
Apr. 1: Rani Arbo & Daisy Mayhem ‘American Spiritual’ with Rainier Youth Choir
Apr. 4: Kent City Council meeting
Apr. 10-14: Kent Schools – No School – Spring Break
Apr. 10-18: Passover
Apr. 15: Kent Station Easter Egg Hunt
Apr. 16: Easter
Apr. 18: Kent City Council meeting
Apr. 19: Kent Schools – Late Start
Apr. 20: KDP’s Third Thursday Art Night
Apr. 22: Earth Day
Apr. 22: iLoveKent reader meetup (tentative date)
Apr. 29: KDP’s Pampered Pet Walk
May 2017
TBD Kent Community Foundation Scholarship Awards Ceremony
May 2: Kent City Council meeting
May 5: Kent Chamber Gala – Cinco de Mayo
May 10: Kent Schools – Late Start|
May 14: Mother’s Day
May 16: Kent City Council meeting
May 18: KDP’s Third Thursday Art Night
May 19: KDP Wine Walk
May 20: Armed Forces Day
May 25: VisFest
May 29: Memorial Day, Kent Schools – No School
June 2017
TBD SKCAC breakfast
TBD Kent Station Ladies’ Night Out
Jun. 2: TOP Graduation
Jun. 2-3: Relay for Life
Jun. 3: Kent International Festival
Jun. 6: Kent City Council meeting
Jun. 7: Late Start
Jun. 9 KDP Annual Dinner Auction
Jun. 9: iGrad Graduation
Jun. 14: Flag Day
Jun. 15: Kent Phoenix Academy Graduation
Jun. 15: KDP’s Third Thursday Art Night
Jun. 16: Kent Mountain View Academy Graduation
Jun. 17: Kentridge, Kentwood, Kentlake and Kent-Meridian High School Graduations
Jun. 18: Father’s Day
Jun. 20: Kent City Council meeting
Jun. 21: Summer Solstice – First Day of Summer
Jun. 22: Kent Schools – Last Day of School
July 2017
Jul. 4: Independence Day
Jul. 4: Fourth of July Splash
Jul. 14-16: Kent Cornucopia Days
Jul. 20: KDP’s Third Thursday Art Night
August 2017
TBD Kent Station SOAKS
TBD Communities in Schools’ Fill the Bus fundraiser
TBD KDP Golf Tournament (tentatively Aug. 25)
Aug. 1: Election primary
Aug. 1: Kent City Council meeting
Aug. 15: Kent City Council meeting
Aug. 17: KDP’s Third Thursday Art Night
Aug. 18: KDP Wine Walk
September 2017
Sep. 4: Labor Day
Sep. 5: Kent City Council meeting
Sep. 14: iLoveKent Hosts Kent Mayoral Candidate Debate
Sep. 19: Kent City Council meeting
Sep. 21: KDP’s Third Thursday Art Night
Sep. 22: Fall Equinox – First Day of Fall
Sep. 23: HAWKtoberfest Car Show
Sep. 28: iLoveKent Hosts Kent City Council Candidate Debate
October 2017
TBD Chamber Business Expo and Taste of Kent
TBD Greater Kent Historical Society Annual Gala
TBD Kent Has Talent Auditions
TBD Kent Food Bank fundraiser breakfast
TBD PICC 5K at Kent Station
Oct. 3: Kent City Council meeting
Oct. 17: Kent City Council meeting
Oct. 19: Diwali
Oct. 19: KDP’s Third Thursday Art Night
Oct. 31: Halloween
Oct. 31: Kent Station Trick-or-Treat and Costume Contest
November 2017
TBD Kent Has Talent
Nov. 5: Daylight Saving Ends
Nov. 7: Election Day
Nov. 7: Kent City Council meeting
Nov. 11: Veterans’ Day
Nov. 17: KDP’s Third Thursday Art Night
Nov. 21: Kent City Council meeting
Nov. 23: Thanksgiving Day, Kent Schools – No School
Nov. 24: Kent Schools – No School
Nov. 25: Shop Small Saturday
December 2017
Dec. 2: Kent Lions’ Winterfest Tree Lighting
Dec. 12: Kent City Council meeting
Dec. 12-20: Hanukkah
Dec. 21: KDP’s Third Thursday Art Night
Dec. 21: Winter Solstice – First Day of Winter
Dec. 24: Christmas Eve
Dec. 25: Christmas Day
Dec. 26: Boxing Day
Last Updated: 1/29/17, 12:08 PM