There are only four days until the Kent Downtown Partnership’s next ‘Sip, Swirl, Savor’ returns to downtown Kent this Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021, from 5 – 8 p.m.
This event will be held outdoors at First Ave Plaza Park in downtown Kent (map below).
What’s happening this weekend? Your final opportunity of the summer to Sip, Swirl, Savor is approaching on Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021.
The Kent Downton Partnership is presenting this ticketed and timed early evening tasting event to benefit their mission of vibrancy for Kent’s historic downtown core.
Following the festive InsideOUT Open Air Dining and mMrketplace, the fun will fill First Ave Plaza Park from 5 – 8 p.m. with six Washington wineries including Uva Furem Winery, Abbe Wines, Ducleaux Cellars, Stina’s Cellars, Dahlman Cellars and Dama Wines.
The modest ticket price of $30.00 per person entitles you to sample six wine selections and taste eminently pairable savories and sweets from local producers like Dilettante Chocolates and Dan the Sausageman.
You’ll nibble and sip while enjoying musical entertainment from Johnny 7 & the Black Crabs performing vintage Rock and Roll, Honky-Tonk, and Hillbilly Swing. The trio performs upbeat music full of harmonies, and quirky tunes with a danceable beat!
Can you think of a better way to spend one of our glorious PNW summer evenings? It’s hard to beat for sure. Add in karma points for supporting your downtown community and it’s a win-win not to be missed.
Get your tickets today at: