Local News from iLoveKent for Monday, Nov. 7, 2016.
Kent, Washington remains a busy place, growing and changing every day. Here we’ve got the latest Kent news for you – events, grand openings, Veteran’s Day remembrances and more. We also have updates from King County Council and the King County Sheriff’s Department. #kentnews #kentevents #kingcountynews [Last revised 11/7/16, 3:50 AM]
King County Council Hosts Final Public Hearing for 2017-18 Biennial Budget.
Today is your last chance to participate in the discussion about King County Council’s biennial budget for 2017-18. The meeting will be held today, Nov. 7 at 11 AM at King County Council Chambers, 10th Floor, King County Courthouse, 516 Third Ave., Seattle, WA. The meeting and public hearing will also be available Live on King County TV on Comcast, Wave Cable Channel 22 and online at KingCounty.gov/KCTV. In October, 100 people came to testify at special meetings hosted by Budget Committee Chair Dave Upthegrove in Seattle, Redmond and Kent. Get more information about the budget here.
Kent Guild Artisan’s Festival at MVCC Nov. 7 – 8.
The Kent Guild of the Seattle Children’s Hospital is hosting its 27th Annual Artisan’s Festival on Monday, Nov. 7 (2 PM – 8 PM) and Tuesday, Nov. 8 (9 AM – 6 PM) at the Meridian Valley Country Club, 24830 136th Ave. SE, Kent. Get additional details on our Google calendar.
Fall Curbside Clean-up in Kent: Nov. 7-11 and Nov. 14-18.
If you are a Republic Services customer in the Kent city limits, then your Yard Waste Day this week or next is your Fall Curbside Clean-up Day. On that day, you can put up to 10 32-gallon containers of yard waste or garbage at your curb for pick-up at no additional cost. Click here for more information on recycling or food and yard waste in Kent.
Election Day is Nov. 8. Mail or drop-off ballots on/by Tuesday, Nov. 8.
I don’t think I’m alone in saying “is it over yet?” Wow – this has been a long election season, and I am tired of the sniping and mudslinging. If you haven’t already voted, please do. Your vote counts! Visit our Voting page for ballot drop-off locations, links to the Election Results page, etc. King County will begin posting Election Results at 8:15 PM on Tuesday, Nov. 8.
Coffee with Kent Police Chief Ken Thomas on Wednesday, Nov. 9.
The city didn’t announce this and it isn’t on the city calendar, but I ran across the announcement at Starbucks. Talk to Kent Police Chief Ken Thomas about issues and concerns you have about crime and safety in Kent. Wed., Nov. 9, 3 PM at Starbucks at Fourth and Meeker in downtown Kent.
Schlotzsky’s Opens in Kent This Thursday, Nov. 10.
Get your Schlotzky’s Deli or Cinnabon fix this Thursday, Nov. 10 at Schlotzky’s newest location: Kent, 10054 SE 256th St., Kent. Nov. 10 is the deli’s Grand Opening. Sign up for prizes and giveaways. If you’re one of the first 100 guests to buy a 6-pack of Cinnabon, you’ll get a redemption card good for one free small Original a week for 52 weeks.
Sheriff’s Dept. Releases Sketch of Covington Home Invasion Suspect.
Last week the King County Sheriff’s Department released the sketch of one of three suspects that pistol-whipped and robbed a Covington couple who live in The Reserve. If you’ve seen this man, or know anything about the crime, call the Sheriff’s Department at 206-296-3311, or to remain anonymous, call 800-222-TIPS. Click here for more information about the crime.
Tahoma National Cemetery to host Veteran’s Day ceremony on Nov. 11.
Tahoma National Cemetery, 18600 SE 240th St., Kent, is hosting a Veteran’s Day ceremony at 11 AM on Friday, Nov. 11. The Kent Lions’ Club will participate in the ceremony to honor our veterans. In addition to this celebration, Ivar’s, Golden Steer and Brown Bear Car Wash are all offering promotions to honor our veterans. No matter how you celebrate, please thank a veteran for his or her service on Friday.
Free Entrance to Mt. Rainier National Park & National Parks on Veteran’s Day.
Mt. Rainier National Park, and all other national parks, are honoring Veteran’s Day this year with free entrance into the parks. For more information on Mt. Rainier National Park, go to VisitRainier.com.
Kent4Health Hosts ShoWalk, Free Indoor Walking, Mondays and Wednesdays, Nov. 14-May 31.
The rainy season is upon us, and most of us don’t want to walk outside in the rain. Kent4Health has a solution – ShoWalk, free indoor walking at ShoWare Center (625 W. James St.,Kent), on most Mondays and Wednesdays, 9 AM to 11 AM, from Nov. 14 through May 31. Click here to download this year’s schedule.
Third Annual Shop with a Cop Fundraiser to be held Nov. 14.
Join Kent City Council Member Dana Ralph, Kent Police Commander Jarod Kasner, Nathan Box and Bailey Stober for Kent’s 3rd Annual Shop with a Cop Fundraiser Dinner. Every year they get together as a community, along with Kent Youth & Family Services, to raise money for the Shop with a Cop program. They partner with Target to take 30 disadvantaged children holiday shopping for themselves and their families. Each child is assigned a law enforcement mentor who takes them on this memorable shopping trip.
Tickets On Sale Now for Kent Has Talent – Nov. 18.
Kent Community Foundation is hosting an all-ages talent show as a fundraiser – Kent Has Talent – on Fri., Nov. 18. Tickets will sell out soon, so get yours online now. Just $20 plus a small service fee. All proceeds benefit Kent Community Foundation, a Kent-based nonprofit focused on cultural arts and education. Bender of KISS 106.1 FM will be the emcee.
Registration for the 34th Annual Christmas Rush 5K-10K Fun Run on Dec. 10.
Kick off the holiday season with a 5K or 10K walk or run with a few hundred of your favorite Kent friends. The race is set for Saturday, Dec. 10 at 9 AM, starting at Hogan Park at Russell Road (24400 Russell Road, Kent). Registration is now open.
The City of Kent has a new website. What do you think?
Last week the City of Kent launched its new website and it is asking readers to tell them what they think (visit the site for the survey link). We have thoughts on the new site, but want to hear from our readers before sharing our input. We don’t want to influence your opinion. What do you think? Comment on this post or tell us on Facebook or Twitter.
Kent City Council meeting on November 15.
Did you know that Kent City Council meetings are streamed live on Comcast Cable TV21 and at KentTV21.com? They are typically held the first and third Tuesdays of each month with a few exceptions. Click here for the city council calendar, agenda, minutes and past meeting videos. Click here to watch the Nov. 1, 2016 Kent City Council meeting.
Get Updates on Kent Road Closures, Traffic Delays and Advisories.
Visit DriveKent.com to get the latest information on Kent Road Closures, Traffic Delays and Traffic Advisories. You can also sign up for email alerts.
Upcoming Kent Events:
Nov. 7-8: 27th Annual Artisan’s Festival at MVCC
Nov. 8: Election Day
Nov. 10: Schlotsky’s Grand Opening
Nov. 11: Veteran’s Day (No School)
Nov. 14: 3rd Annual Shop with a Cop Dinner
Nov. 15: Kent City Council meeting
Nov. 18: Kent Has Talent
Nov. 19: Meridian-Kent Kiwanis Casino Night Fundraiser
Nov. 22-27: Spreading MODness, KYFS Fundraiser at MOD Pizza in Kent
Nov. 24: Thanksgiving
Nov. 24-25: Thanksgiving Holiday Break (No School)
Nov. 26: Holiday Sip ‘n Shop to Celebrate Small Business Saturday