News Update and Upcoming Events
Looking Back: A Year in Review
2019 was a year of exciting changes for communities across South King County. Employees with disabilities won a victory with the passage of a King County Council ordinance to ban subminimum wages. In addition, we moved closer to transit equity in Renton with the publication of the Renton Access Transit Study.
Community members in Kent also made their voices heard and helped me to save the new Dick’s Drive-In in Kent by removing it from a list of potential Sound Transit operations maintenance facility sites.
We all value how access to parks, public transportation, and a clean environment contribute to our quality of life, which will be improved by grants distributed by the Council this year. From expanding access to Sound Transit transportation services, to ensuring salmon habitat recovery and progress on flood protection projects, to breaking ground on new conservation efforts through the Conservation Futures levy, I am proud to be investing in an equitable and green future for South King County.
The voter-approved Parks Levy will also bring exciting green changes to the district. In particular, the Open Space – River Corridors grant program will help protect residents in the Green River floodplain and will contribute to habitat restoration for native fish species, including salmon. Click to edit this placeholder text.
Investing in public services and facilities is a crucial aspect of government, and South King County also saw exciting changes on this front with the opening of June Leonard Place, which provides Renton residents with affordable housing, as well as a new YMCA facility in Kent. Both projects received critical funding from the King County Council. We also partnered with multiple South King County community organizations to fund important work through the Best Starts for Kids and Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy.
Spending time with public servants in South King County was another rewarding part of my year. Ride-alongs with local police departments allowed me to see firsthand the important work that police officers are doing to keep our cities safe and strengthen relationships between the community and law enforcement officers.
Most rewarding of all was the opportunity to connect with hundreds of South King County residents at local fairs over the summer and at a Town Hall in Renton. I look forward to continue engaging with you in the coming year.
Looking Forward: What’s Coming in 2020
This year, I will serve as the new Chair of the King County Flood Control District. As Chair, I will focus on major reforms to the District that ensure people and property are protected from flooding while also supporting recreation and habitat for our threatened Chinook Salmon. Projects such as the Lower Russell Levee Setback in Kent demonstrate that, with willing partners, we can develop projects that incorporate flood safety, habitat restoration and recreational opportunities for the residents of South King County.
I also plan to continue to host events throughout our community in order to be accessible to you. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements from my office.
Upcoming Events in District 5
Visit my website for a list of opportunities to connect with resources and enjoy all that South King County has to offer in January. You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on news from my office and the County.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any comments or concerns, I always appreciate hearing from you.
King County Councilmember
District 5