Our friends at Kent Downtown Partnership want you to know that their ‘Street of Treats, the Great Pumpkin Hunt’ will be held in downtown Kent from Oct. 28 – Oct. 31, 2020:
Come play along – participating merchants have hidden pumpkins in their storefront displays. Find the shops with great pumpkins and stop in for a special treat.
Complete the list by finding all the locations and you can be entered to win a prize! *Hint you must dress up to complete the hunt.
Show off your costumes and masks! Take a selfie with your favorite Pumpkin display share it with @kentdowntownpartnership be sure to add #KDPstreetoftreats to be entered to win more prizes!
Please bring your own weatherproof bag for treats.
This is a rain or shine event and free to the public.
This event is self-managed over the course of 4 days: Wednesday – Saturday, Oct. 28 – 31, 2020, during regular business hours.
More info here: https://www.facebook.com/events/336048017659246/