2017 Kent Winterfest celebration, hosted by Kent Lions Club
The 2017 Kent Winterfest Celebration is scheduled for Saturday, December 2, 2017, hosted by the Kent Lions Club in partnership with the City of Kent, Kent Station, Kent Downtown Partnership and the Kent Regional Library. Activities include:
2:00 – 4 p.m.: Children’s activities at Titusville Station and Rusty Raven Studio
2:00 – 4:30 p.m.: Performances by local choirs and bands at Town Square Plaza
3:30 p.m.: Holiday reading at the Kent Regional Library
4:30 – 5:00 p.m.: Christmas caroling at Town Square Plaza
5:00 p.m: Santa will arrive to light the Christmas tree with a light show synchronized to music.
The Kent Lions Club will provide free hot apple cider, hot chocolate and popcorn.
New this year: raffle prizes for children and adults. Collection of new toys for the fire department’s Toys for Joy, and used eyeglasses for Lions International.
Also, Kent Downtown Partnership will host a coloring contest. Coloring sheets can be picked up at Artsy Fartsy Art Lessons (218 W. Meeker) and at Titusville Station (202 W. Gowe). Entries must be returned by December 2. Winners will be announced the week of December 4.