City of Kent staff and interested community members are reviewing the rules that govern development on Kent’s shorelines, including the Green River, Panther Lake, Lake Meridian, Lake Fenwick and other large water bodies in the city.

The city will be holding an Open House on Nov. 5, 2018 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. in the Mill Creek Room at Kent Commons, and is also asking citizens to also provide feedback online.

The rules are contained in the City’s Shoreline Master Program (SMP), which carries out Washington State’s Shoreline Management Act. The goals of the SMP are to promote public access, emphasize water-dependent uses and protect natural resources and the character of shorelines.

Shoreline rules in the SMP apply to development on land within 200 feet of a listed shoreline. Development includes new or expanded structures (houses, sheds, decks, etc.); in-water structures (docks, boat launches, etc.); or any land clearing, dredging, filling or grading.

Cities are required by the state to review their SMP rules to make sure they are consistent with new state laws and any City codes or policies that have changed since the SMP rules were written.

“This review is a chance for the City and community members to suggest changes to the rules to make them work better or better meet the goals of the SMP,” said Danielle Butsick, senior long-range planner/GIS coordinator.

Residents can get involved by:

For more information about the review of the Shoreline Master Program, contact Danielle Butsick at or 253-856-5443, or visit the project website at

Scott Schaefer

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One reply on “Community invited to share input about shoreline regulations”

  1. It seems that this meeting should wait until after elections and definitely after 1631 passes. Then cities will have to include these rules, state law as well. Natural spaces, 200 feet away from development isn’t enough space. If we are speaking of toxins and Pollution… this needs to increase to 1,000 feet or greater. In Backcountry, going potty for 1 person it’s mandated they are at least 100 feet away. For a building that has 1,000 people, heavy roads next too. Water ways for fish, fowel…greater distance is necessary.

    Water toxins are really big in water systems state wide and we need to do everything possible to assure clean water. It’s a National problem with companies. From Flint Michigan to Louisiana Bayou to California to PA, New York. Drinking water, pollution…. can’t drink can’t swim, can’t fish can’t enjoy…if development is close to these systems. It going to be a very big challenge, issue with major negative impacts if we don’t listen to the Earth, protect it, the biology of environment systems humans rely on.

    Benches, Walk/bike trails increase park/recreation budgets for job growth for maintenance, repairs and land protection.

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