Total voter turnout for 2016 was 82%.
It’s official. Yesterday King County officially certified the final results of the 2016 General Election, which includes the presidential election. Because Washington is a “voter intent” state, it certifies the results 21 days after the election. Here are some interesting statistics from this year’s election:
Registered voters (active registered voters as of 11/07/16 |
1,288,327 |
Ballots issued | 1,296,786 |
Ballots returned | 1,054,564 |
Ballots counted | 1,041,613 |
Ballots returned too late | 1,896 |
Ballots returned as undeliverable | 13,220 |
Signatures initially challenged | 14,134 |
Signature challenges resolved | 5,413 |
Calls to voter hotline | 29,277 |
Emails from voters | 5,600 |
Voter turnout | 82% |
Additional statistics can be found here.
Here are some highlights from the 2016 General Election results:
Presidential Election
Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, Democratic Nominees: 718,322 votes, or 69.85%*.
Donald J. Trump and Michael R. Pence, Republican Nominees: 216,339 votes, or 21.04%
Click here for other party results for the presidential election.
Though King County voters voted overwhelmingly in favor of Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump won the presidency with 306 electoral votes compared to 232 for Clinton, according to the New York Times.
Washington Governor
Jay Inslee, Democrat: 677,943 votes, or 67.69%
Bill Bryant, Republican: 321,242 votes, or 32.07%
Washington Lieutenant Governor
Cyrus Habib, Democrat: 670,754 votes, or 69.96%
Marty McClendon, Republican: 285,689 votes, or 29.8%
Washington Secretary of State
Tina Podlodowski, Democrat: 563,438 votes, or 58.62%
Kim Wyman, Republican: 396,466 votes, or 41.25%
Washington State Treasurer
Duane Davidson, Republican: 490,359 votes, or 59.49%
Michael Waite, Republican: 317,475, or 38.52%
Washington State Auditor
Pat (Patrice) McCarthy, Democrat: 591,708 votes, or 63.55%
Mark Miloscia, Republican: 337,754 votes, or 36.28%
Washington Attorney General
Bob Ferguson, Democrat: 724,608, or 78.1%
Joshua B. Trumbull, Libertarian: 200,826 or 21.65%
Washington Insurance Commissioner
Mike Kreidler, Democrat: 672,924 votes, or 72.9%
Richard Schrock, Republican: 248,804 votes, or 26.95%
Kent School District No. 415, Prop. 1, $252 million Bond
South King Fire and Rescue, Prop. 1
Click here for additional election results for the 2016 General Election.