Young Couple Breaks Into Clothing Bins to Steal Donations

This morning I learned that the Kent Area Council PTSA Clothing Bank bins outside the Kent Phoenix Academy (11000 SE 264th St, Kent, WA 98030) were robbed this past Sunday, December 11. According to the KAC PTSA, a young couple cut the locks to the bins and took everything donated over the weekend.

The school’s security cameras captured images (see below), though it is difficult to clearly identify the couple. The truck they drove had chrome wheels and may be a Toyota.

For now, the KAC PTSA asks that clothing donations, including socks and underwear – which are very much needed – be delivered to the Kent Phoenix Academy’s front office during school hours, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM.

If you have any information about this crime, please contact the Kent Police Department at 253-856-5800.

Dana Neuts

I am a full-time freelance writer, editor, marketing pro and the publisher of

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