Local News and Events for Kent, Washington

Last week was a crazy week in Kent with a fire displacing a family of five, a fatal shooting involving a Kent police officer, an attempted murder-suicide in nearby SeaTac, and allegations from the state attorney general’s office against former Kent City Council candidate Bailey Stober for failing to provide campaign finance records, as required by the Public Disclosure Commission. Here is a recap of some of those stories, as well as some upcoming events. Have a great week, and try to stay cool!
~ Dana Neuts, Publisher

NEW–AGO orders Bailey Stober to disclose campaign finance records
On Friday, the attorney general’s office filed a petition to compel King County Democrats’ Chair Bailey Stober to provide required campaign finance records. Stober, who ran successfully for Kent City Council three times, whttps://ilovekent.net/2017/06/25/attempted-murder-suicide-in-seatac-leaves-one-man-dead/as ordered to provide the records on May 22, but has not yet provided all of the required documents. Stober is the director of communications and external relations for King County Assessor John Wilson. Read more here.
NEW–Kent Police Officer fatally shoots an Auburn man after a car chase
Early Saturday morning, a Kent police officer fatally shot a 20-year-old man following a car chase near the area of 99th Avenue and S. 244th St. The Des Moines Police Department is leading the investigation. We have reached out to the Des Moines police for more information, but as of this writing, have not received a response. Read more here.
NEW–iLoveKent and Artsy Fartsy Art Lessons launch KC Days coloring contest
Our first coloring contest was so much fun, we’ve decided to do one for Kent Cornucopia Days. We launched the contest this weekend, but have not yet delivered the coloring pages to the pick-up/drop-off locations. They will be available by Wednesday. In the meantime, you can view rules and download the page here. We will display all entries at Artsy Fartsy Art Lessons downtown during Kent Cornucopia Days and will announce the winners on Saturday, July 15. Thanks to Susan Bagrationoff of Artsy Fartsy Art Lessons for the beautiful street fair design!
REMINDER–Mayoral candidate forums on June 27 and 28
Tomorrow evening four Kent mayoral candidates will join the Cultural Communities Board at a candidate forum. The Q&A style session will focus on issues that impact immigrants and refugees, people of color, individuals with disabilities and the LGBTQ community. The event runs from 7 to 9 PM and will be held at the W.E. Auditorium at Kent-Meridian High School. Read more here. A second candidate forum is being hosted by First Christian Church (11717 SE 240th St., Kent, WA) on Wed. from 6 PM to 7:30 PM.
NEW–Attempted murder-suicide in SeaTac leaves one man dead
Saturday an altercation between a woman’s current boyfriend and her ex-boyfriend ended in an attempted murder and a suicide. After a confrontation, the ex-boyfriend pulled out a gun and shot the current boyfriend, then shot himself in the head, dying at the scene. The other man was taken to Harborview with life-threatening injuries. Read the story here.
NEW–Early morning bedroom fire on East Hill causes smoke damage
Smoke alarms awakened a Kent family just after midnight to find the master bedroom on fire. They attempted to put the fire out with a fire extinguisher, but when it grew, they evacuated and called 9-1-1. Puget Sound Fire responded to extinguish the fire. No injuries reported, and the American Red Cross is helping the family. Read the news from Puget Sound RFA here.
REMINDER–iLoveKent will be on hiatus June 28 – July 4.
iLoveKent will be taking a break from June 28 through July 4 to move. Don’t worry – we’ll still be in Kent! Activity will be slower than normal during this time, but we will still publish our “Things To Do This Weekend,” “Things To Do in July,” and “Sound Bites” columns as usual. Thanks in advance for your understanding.
NEW–Free breakfasts and lunches for Kent kids and teens this summer
In lighter news, the Kent School District has partnered with the Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide free breakfasts and lunches to Kent kids and teens this summer. Breakfast will be served at 13 different locations, and lunches will be served at dozens of locations throughout the city. Days and times vary by location. Get more info., including the schedule, here.
NEW–WSP seeks public’s help identifying a suspect in a ‘shots fired’ incident
On June 13, during an incident on eastbound Hwy. 516 just outside of Kent city limits, a suspect in an Acura Integra fired three or fire shots at another vehicle. No one was injured, by WSP is trying to identify the driver of the Acura Integra. See photos and read the full story here.
NEW–Next East Hill Farmer’s Market is this Friday, June 30
As part of its initiative to encourage healthier living and provide better access to food, Living Well Kent hosted its inaugural East Hill Farmer’s Market and Community Bazaar in May. Despite the weather, the event was a success, bringing people from throughout the community together for shopping, live music, a food truck and more. The events will be held once a month throughout the summer. The next event is coming up this Friday, June 30 from 3 PM to 7:30 PM at Morrill Meadows Park (10600 SE 248th St., Kent, WA 98030).
Learn more about the event and get the schedule for the rest of the summer here.
REMINDER–10th Annual Music & Art Showcase, June 29, 2017
Join locals for a fun, FREE night of live music, an art show, free dessert, door prizes and more at Kent Senior Center on Thursday, June 29 (4:30 – 8 PM). Outdoor concerts will feature jazz pianist Richard Dean and a 50s and 60s Rock ‘n Roll Revue with Wally and The Beaves. Get all the details here.
NEW–City to host 19th annual Fourth of July Splash
Fireworks may be illegal in Kent now, but families can still enjoy a grand fireworks display, live music, games and other activities at Lake Meridian Park on the Fourth of July at the city’s 19th annual Fourth of July Splash. Click here for details, hours and event schedule.
NEW–Kent Cornucopia Days returns to Kent, July 14-16, 2017
South King County’s largest family festival returns the third weekend in July with activities throughout the city, including live entertainment, a street fair and food courts downtown, dragon boat races on Lake Meridian, a soccer tournament, 5K fun run and a grand parade. A HUGE thank you to the Kent Lions for making this event possible! It’s the highlight of Kent’s summer. Read more here.
Upcoming Events – Highlights for the Week Ahead
Get additional event details from our June “things to do” list or our Google calendar.
June 27 Cultural Communities Board hosts Mayoral Candidate Forum
June 28 First Christian Church hosts Mayoral Candidate Forum
June 29 10th Annual Music & Art Showcase
June 30 Kent East Hill Farmer’s Market and Community Bazaar
June 30 Karaoke with Absolute Karaoke at The Harp Bar & Restaurant
July 1 Kent Farmer’s Market
July 1 Free Kids’ Art Project at Rusty Raven Studio
July 1 Meow Fest 2: The 2nd Coming is Meow
July 1 Neely Mansion Summer Saturday Open House